Wanna learn GIMP??? (!!!)

Me too!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ We gotta develop this web site for our Internet Techs&Apps module for this semester and I’m suppose to design a nice header and a logo for the site. Well, the whole site actually. I’ll have to do all the coding but my other group members are doing a great job collecting required data drawing the layouts and stuff. That kinda stuff are the most difficult for me so I’m really REALLY thankful for them for not putting me in that hell.
But guess what! I suck at graphic designing ๐Ÿ˜› well, not exactly. I just didn’t have time (oh no! not the same old excuse again!) to spend for graphic designing. I’d say graphic designing is not my thing exactly. I haven’t done much of Photoshop on my windo$ days either… But now that I have to do something for our project I thought it’d be nice to give GIMP a try. Hope it’s gonna be easy coz I’m not addicted to evil propritery graphic designing tools such as… u know… photoshop (yep! i just said that! ๐Ÿ˜€ )
So I’m now hunting GIMP tutorials on the net and found these cool sites so far, which i’ll add to my scrap book to use anytime i want (err… scrapbook??? well, thats another post hee hee…)

gimp.org tutorials
youtub GIMP tutorials

ok! thats all folks! feel free to let me know if you know any cool sites with nice tutorials for GIMP, i’ll keep the Links section updated as i find more stuff.

Will this help???

OK! I’m not a blogger! seejay is not a blogger!! not anymore!!! :-S I can’t believe I didn’t blog from such a long time. And I can’t think of any excuses other than plain laziness. It’s not unfair to say my higher education is keeping me busy to some extend but I must admit I could’ve spend “some” time to blog. But apparently i haven’t spend anytime at all ๐Ÿ˜› . Is it because I don’t find blogging as interesting as the early days coz of all those microblogging platforms such as twitter? Or is it because I personally find the blogger ui NOT as cool or fun to use as the WordPress interface which i’ve been using in the past couple of months??? I dunno. But if latter is the case, this is gonna fix it…
Some of you might remember the “Performancing” extension for Firefox right? For those who were wondering what the heack i am talking, it “was” a cool Firefox addon which you can use to post to your blog. Once installed it gives a nice ttext editor like interface within the Firefox window which you can post to your blog with just a click of a button. It really helped me to improve my blog posting “frequency” by cutting the time used to log in to the site every time i post.
But Performancing is no more, Now they have changed the name(and improved the features of course..) to “ScribeFire“. Well, to be honest, this is old news, its been months if not ages since they’ve made the change. I had ScribeFire installed all the time and I used it to keep notes and stuff… Few minuits ago I came up with the idea of setting up scribefire to post to seejay.net and thats exactly what i did. Hope this will help me getting back my old blogger spirit…. This is the first post I’m posting with ScribeFire and will keep my fingers crossed to make me like this “not so new” way and become a real blogger again…