Increase your Internet connection speed in Windows XP

OK this is not my ordinary way 🙂 writing tips to Windo$ users, but found this trick and thought my Windo$ using friends might find it useful 🙂 yes I do know few pathetic creatures who’ll never get the balls to switch to Linux 😛
By the way, Your internet connection will be a much faster than before coz you get the 20% of bandwidth which was reserved by Windows XP for itself. yes u heard right 😛

read more | digg story

Digg triggers false start on Firefox 3

A false Firefox 3 report on Digg has caused headaches for Mozilla and confusion for users.The trouble started early on Wednesday morning when a Digg posting claimed that the first beta version of Firefox 3.0.1 had been posted by developers.

Mozilla explained that there was no beta of Firefox available to the public, and that the Digg poster had instead linked to a release candidate…. read more on CyCap.Org

digg story