23 years…

So here I am, back on blogging after a long silence. But this long break was not because of the fact that I didn’t have anything to write. I think its fair to say that it was because I had so much to say that I couldn’t really figure out how to manage them all in to this little blog of mine. There were so many interesting things happening around me. They’ll always be in my memories. (Naah! I’m pretty sure I won’t forget them. So no! you won’t be reading them here hehe!)

Also its been a crazy semester. Just finished the last paper of the 2nd year final exam yesterady and I think I’m feeling kind of relaxed now. It’s funny, when I looked forward at this moment few weeks ago I never thought I’d be able to happily blog about the end of the exam ๐Ÿ™‚ But it went really well and I’m pretty satisfied with all the papers I had to answer. Considering all the crazy things I went through in the past few months I should be glad to be able to blog about it like this…

Anyways! yes! It’s my 23rd birthday today. I’m not quite sure what I’m feeling right now… But when I look back at the last round around the sun, I notice something different than the ones before. I see that I have learned so much about life on this ride. I saw how some things that seem to matter so much in our lives has no real meaning… I saw how easy it is for people to completely ignore the things that really matter in life… I saw how unexpected life can be… I realized that we should not be having too much expectations in life.

And also a really good outcome of all the problems I faced is that I got to make out the people around me. I realized who really cares about me, and who… well, lets say “doesn’t give a sh*t what happens” ๐Ÿ˜› Not that I’ll be treating the latter party differently(being angry with people for too long is NOT something I’m very good at) But its good to know that they will not be there for me when I need them. I was glad to see that there were people who believed on me. People who cared about me even when I was not in the usual “guy who saves the day” mode. And I pity the poor souls who tried to enjoy the show when I was down. Hope they’ll be able to stick to the mentality that they did the right thing. ๐Ÿ˜›

So after all these incidents I’m still doing pretty fine to start the next year of my life. And this time with a little more knowledge about life ๐Ÿ™‚ there’s a saying “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” There were many of those moments in the past few months and I really gained strength from them. I will be facing good times and bad times as usual but I’ll know enough not to worry too much about any of them. I was having a great life with pretty much everything I really needed. I stupidly forgot that truth about me sometimes and I’ll try my best not to do that mistake again… because now I know, It’s good to be me! ๐Ÿ˜€