Yippee! Got myself a new Lappy!

Since I’m reading for the BSc Honors in IT at SLIIT. I had no other option than moving to a boarding place near the campus. And after moving to the boarding place all i had was ma good ol’ thinkpad lappy which was not so cutting edge anymore πŸ˜› I had my desktop pc at home but moving the beast to the new place was too much trouble. so I had no choice but to use my IBM thinkpad for few weeks until i get myself a new lappy. I checked the local dealers for few models and quickly realized that I’m too broke to buy an IBM thinkpad which are IMO overpriced in SL. correct me if i’m wrong but I really don’t think those lenavo thinkpads got the same durability of the old IBM thinkpads. Any lenavo users there???

So i decided to go with another “well known for durability” brand, ASUS! yep! luckily they got a new series of Notebooks which are priced reasonably considering the quality of ASUS products. Not to mention there were HP and Acer laptops which were more cheaper but i didn’t fancy having anything other than ASUS since I was such an ASUS fanboy πŸ˜€
So I decided to buy the ASUS X51R series lappy which had a Core Duo 2.0Gz processor. And I was able to get a 7.5k discount from the Epsi guys (our local ASUS dealers) thanks to Suchetha πŸ™‚

The first thing I did just after coming back from Epsi was repartitioning the 120GB HDD removing the evil Proprietary OS from my precious lappy. when partitioning i created one big (90gigs) partition for the /home and 1gb for swap. Rest was used to create three more partitions. One for my primary distro and the other two for installing testing versions and betas.
So now i’m back on my old track and the only prob i have is the lack of time. Not because SLIIT stuff are keeping me busy (actually theres nothing much to do these days, maybe its because this is the first semester), but because i have a ton and few more kilos of stuff to do. As most of you guys have noticed, my blogs have been deserted during the past few months. I’d love to get back to the old schedule where i posted 10+ new articles per week, but i really don’t think i’ll have that much of free time in the upcoming years 😦 so i’ll try to post at least once a week. well, it’s better than nothing right??? πŸ˜€

Celebrating 500 million Firefox downloads

In honor of the 500 million download mark we’re celebrating by raising 500,000,000 grains of rice in one day to help feed the world’s poor. Since we have reached the milestone, it is time to flock to freerice.com and attempt to push the days total over 1/2 billion. This is just a foreshadow to where one day Firefox will be. Food for thought, uh, better yet, Food for Lives; if we reach 500 million grains of rice, that’s a direct contribution in feeding 25,000 people for one day! Donate now, http://freerice.com

1/2 Billion downloads

Start: 02/21/2008 – 05:00
End: 02/21/2008 – 23:59
Timezone: Etc/GMT

Join the celebration at http://www.spreadfirefox.com/node/1424

Finished moving to the new domain ;)

Finally its done! πŸ˜€ yep, I’ve finished moving all ma previous posts from the old blog to the new site. phew! now its time to add some widgets and give ma identity to the blog πŸ˜‰ well, I had this idea to move to my own domain from the wordpress.com and now its done. since this is a blogger hosted site i can edit the layout without paying more bucks so here I am with ma new style. hope you people will like it πŸ™‚ If you’ve ever read ma previous WP blog(s) you might know that I’m a big fan of Garland(Famous Drupal/WP theme). Well, I *did* find the blogger version of the Garland theme but then again I thought it would be nice to have a change πŸ˜€
OK enough for now, I’ll be back with some more boring news πŸ˜‰

PS: A Big thank goes to my friend Bud @ geekaholic.org for the great help with the new site πŸ˜‰